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Tuesday, December 1, 2015

First Innebandy Game

Week 16:

Hello for the 16th week of this blog. Last week was a bit more fun considering some exciting things happened.
Monday greeted me with a package with Christmas gifts Mom had sent during week 15. I was waiting for it to arrive and it arrived Monday(1 week from date sent which cost mom some serious bucks). I went to the Post Office to receive it and I almost could not receive it since I did not have the proper I.D. They prefer a Passport since I am from a different country then Sweden, so that would be the best I.D I could use. I forgot that there would be duty on it (Mom forgot to tell me that) and I had to pay about $87.00 CAD to get my package. Kind of a money grab considering what Mom had paid on her end but at least I have it now.
I gave the Nilsson's their gifts already (mainly because it was Tomas's Birthday Monday) so I thought it would be good to give it to them then. I also got a lot of chocolate sent to me from Grandma Verna, so I can not complain since it is my favourite chocolate. So that was the fun of Monday.
The rest of the week was the usual school.  On Thursday I actually stayed home for the day since the Swedes in gr.1 in school had to write a national test for Swedish. I just chilled at home that day and slept in.
On Friday, I actually got to play my first Innebandy game with Kais.  I am the first Canadian to play on Kais. They had an American once, so it is nice to put some Canadian experience there aha! We played 2 hrs. away in Gävle at 20:00. It was not a good game as we lost 13-4 I think. I also had a nice hit on a guy in the corner at least but Andreas said the best part of the game (he meant the trips to other places to play) was going to McDonald's for food. After our loss, we got some McDonald's and it seem to smooth things over a little.
The weekend was quiet. On Saturday I just hung around the house and Sunday I went to watch the Mens Kais Mora team. They lost 6-5. So yeah.... That is week 16 and it is the last week of November!

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