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Thursday, December 10, 2015

First Week of December

Week 17:

Hello to everyone in Canada and those not from Canada! Week 17 was not that fun filled like some of the past weeks.As usual I went to school and did all of that fun stuff and also had innebandy practices during the evenings as usual.

I will talk about the food we have over here!  I have ate most of my chocolate that Mom and Grandma sent to me, so I should be getting a new shipment this week...just kidding they probably will send it at the end of April with Tailor(hint, hint). Or if my followers would like to send donations of sweets, please do not hesitate to contact Shelley for my address, lol.  Until then I will have to survive with Swedish peanut M&Ms. They actually do taste different the Canadian ones. Trust me!

So in Sweden I have tried many new foods. When we were at the YFU camp at the start we actually had a blind taste test. They mainly just wanted to see how we would react to the traditional Swedish food. I did not like the Pickled Herring which I am not sure when they eat that but it does taste very very bad! Also Salted licorice....same as the pickled herring, the salted licorice does taste very bad to someone who has never had it before. Those are some of the traditional foods I would say. Over here they seem to eat a lot of potatoes. For instance, I sometimes eat potatoes at lunch then again at supper (you start to get sick of potatoes) but you get use to it and suck it up! So I have ate a lot of potatoes during my time here and I am sure I will eat a lot more. We occasionally have pasta or rice but over here they usually put ketchup on their pasta. We saw this with Johan and Tommi (I think) so I kind of knew they did this. So it is not all that bad. I have also ate moose and deer or elk. I forgot which it was for sure(deer or elk)but it does not taste that bad. Also I have started to eat fish. Once you get use to it, it is not that bad but the first few times I did not love it.

Everyday at school they always have a new meal.  Yes, you read that correctly.  We are served a free hot meal each day in our cafeteria at school.  I believe now they start to have the same meal every few weeks. One thing to note; never trust the bloodpudding over here. It looks like chocolate cake but it is definitely NOT! I believe I said that story in an older blog post. It was a very disturbing moment in my life and one I hope not to repeat.

So that pretty much sums up the food topic for this post so I will wrap it up here! I hope that gave some good info on the different foods we eat here!  I hope you will drop by again next week for another light read.

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